Friday, January 25, 2013

I don't know how to express myself....

Guilty...Disappointed to myself...Down...Hate to live in this world...Want to cry...Wanted so much for a person who can hear and help me...

This is all the words i can use to describe myself at the moment. Tried to release all my stress in tears and word form or else I really don't know where I will ended be.

What a bad day/month! Get scolded at work, rumours about me, car accident, sister problem, i really get enough! I can't blame anyone, except myself. Being an adult is tough, and i don't use to tell everyone, or shed tears everyday, Keeping the stress and problem is worse,but sometimes i don'y know what to do except hide or ignore it, until one day only it explode.

I am so so so tired, but i can't give up this job, there are too many consequences behind. I've to be strong.

Saturday, December 29, 2012




明年的生日,我希望我能休假,然后好好的弄一个蛋糕来犒赏自己,顺道与朋友聊聊天,这样就足够了 =)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012






Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Finally is my turn to go holiday~ Start off the holiday with a langkawi trip just after my late on call duty, then a crazy shopping at kl, at last resting at my home. It's super packed but i manage to have lots of new experience and lots of delicious food, Mmm, really satisfied!!


Thursday, November 1, 2012

OT life_2

其实,这里的生活没有想象中的那么难过,或许我因该说现在我过得比我想象中的要好得多了。同事相处融洽,天天快快乐乐学习,偶尔的小挫折又算得了什么呢?(真的真的很感恩佛祖保佑让我进了那么好的一个组,让OT的‘童年’充满了爱 =D)

虽然知道身边还是发生着腥风血雨战争,但我们这些小兵小卒又能做的了什么呢?唯一能做的就是尽快学习以保住自己未来的安全和尽量别惹事就是了。对于未来怎样`别人的评语`我们根本就控制不了,与其担心,不如尽量把握开开心心的当下不是更好吗? =)

Sunday, August 26, 2012








Wednesday, August 15, 2012

OT life_1

Huh..since when i become so lazy to update my blog, and for the first time i really want blog about my working life.

Is already one month there, and I (or I should say 'we'- the 20 of us) still don't have the sense of belonging to the department. We are still treated as students, get thousands of complains, and some unreasonable scoldings. Anyhow, we learn a lot of things, BUT, we are not sure how well we can perform.

And, today is really a hectic day for me. Not just because I am starting to put my hands on, it is also i start to feel the speed, the stress, complication, the risk....OMG, it is so scary and i feel my adrenaline level is all the time high today!!!

This is just the start, I hope I will be a fast learner and cope all the stress well as soon as possible