Friday, January 25, 2013

I don't know how to express myself....

Guilty...Disappointed to myself...Down...Hate to live in this world...Want to cry...Wanted so much for a person who can hear and help me...

This is all the words i can use to describe myself at the moment. Tried to release all my stress in tears and word form or else I really don't know where I will ended be.

What a bad day/month! Get scolded at work, rumours about me, car accident, sister problem, i really get enough! I can't blame anyone, except myself. Being an adult is tough, and i don't use to tell everyone, or shed tears everyday, Keeping the stress and problem is worse,but sometimes i don'y know what to do except hide or ignore it, until one day only it explode.

I am so so so tired, but i can't give up this job, there are too many consequences behind. I've to be strong.

Some words to comfort me at the moment



只要確實的走好每一步就好,不要好高騖遠,也不要過度迎合別人,說到底我們最後也都只能做好自己,不管速度快慢,不管實現夢想了沒,我們只要知道自己一直在路上就好 by 沒力史翠普

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong girl...things will change for the better...dun worry
