Saturday, July 30, 2011


下午跑去参加了一场直销的活动, 基本上就是把产品卖得好的会员升级的活动, 我虽然是在不懂状况的情况下去的(我误以为有得吃所以就去了,哈哈~真是贪吃的我!=P),但去到了才发现原来这样的活动啊~ 不过心想也没来过,就当作 来开开眼界吧。。结果叻。。。。

结果就是和我之前所听说和看到的文章所描述的一样,都是在讲些什么是成功,和该如何成功的方法(当然就是加入他们的公司,卖产品)。他们公司又是如何的好(品牌的知名与稳定度,产品名誉好,上线户帮忙等)之类的东西。 不过呢,可惜我之前是已经预了他们的节目会是这样,结果我还是闷到跟堂妹玩游戏,要不然我真的会睡着==

其实他们所谓成功的定义就是有很多钱,有大房子,有大车子。但仔细想下,如果我得到了这些,我真的会快乐吗?我不知道,但直觉告诉我不是。而且如果是的话,为什么 这么多人有钱了还要去自杀呢?

我很清楚了解自己不适合作直销这一行 的,因为我很讨厌人家逼我买东西/做东西,所以我也不喜欢这样做,可是我又没有很还好的口才去介绍别人什么产品好用,因为我从小就有个想法就是“适合你的未必适合我“,所以很多时候我都会给建议人家,把决定权交给别人,可是我的建议通常不那么有影响力,而且 我还是超直的,我认为你不应该买我也会跟你讲(请原谅我乱用介词哈~)


因为我认为他家的饭盒水罐是不错用的。就算别人不买,自己买来用也划算(非常感恩我的堂哥帮我注册了会员, ps:我懂你需要下线,但我也从中得到了折扣,所以还是谢谢你啦!)

然后我还卖起了水罐(是不是开始怀疑,我是来打广告的了? =P 请继续看下去吧)
可是这也是非常的偶然,因为同学都问我, 你的新水罐是哪里买的?
我:二十多块咯~你要啊? 我帮你买有折扣叻~等下我拿catalogue给你看



打臉文,我的夢想戰鬥不是這樣讓你用的!(Nu Skin站好!)





后记:今天我对收到的doorgift&服务人员的态度真的很不满。对人的态度那么不客气就不要站在前面reception pls.
doorgift:这是厂商reject 的货吗? 我盖到手痛了还是盖不好。不知道他真的是很紧还是我手没有力 ==

Friday, July 29, 2011

Thanks to be born complicated?

I'm not thanks to be born complicated.

Seriously, I've thought of many things rrecently, or i should say, too much things.

Being complicated i just get ur life moody sometimes, U know too much things but u don't like it, what to do?

I have too much weird weird ask,but......................................

Happy is easy to pursuit when u rlife is simple, so you no need to fight against too much obstacles to pursuit happiness, rite?

Friday, July 22, 2011


昨天的迎新茶会终于圆满结束了, 感谢你们的一路支持与陪伴,虽然我那紧张+‘青公‘ 的老毛病又犯了,不过还好。。。到最后都没有什么大问题出现。 (21/7/11)


教育有很多种方式,最痛苦的教训 也许最让人记得,但未必让人改过。最感动的教训,让人最记得也能让人改过。

每个人心里都有一个小孩,我好喜欢自己小孩子气的那一面,但总不能时时刻刻都这样啊~ 好羡慕有些人小孩子的一面与大人的那一面融合得很好哦,我心里的大人与小孩怎么就那么难融合啊?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stree-asS..............................& Relieved!

I'm feeling So sO Stree-aaS....

There are so many thing I am in-charge of

Before I could finish the post above, I am again rushing to another small meeting wif Guo Wan xue zhang & Ru Yuin & Ming Xing xue zhang. Amazingly, after a few talks and laughter with them I feel so relieved!!!!

This month is a really-super busy month for me, it is even more stresser than May!!

Is a new sem = a new start for green acre, i have to think about what new things to plant ; a new time to recruit new members in tzu qing, i(we) have to plan the ying xin cha hui; the re-re&re-search is going on, i 'm one of the assistant leader too, and the most most important things, i have lots of complication things to study and the test is juz at the start of the August!

I know I am not the one who are stressing, but I always thought I am the one who stress the most. I dunno why i thought that..BUT, after i heard the schedule abt Guo wan xue zhang, i really feel that:: his schedule was packed also, but he still managed to get along with it without so many stress. What make him so energetic?

I tried to observe  and figure out what energy he have.It is just the positive attitude!! I don't know how to describe, it is not juz positive, it is u can still use a humour way to express yourself when u are stress, when u face problem. Get through the problem, get fun!!

The problem i faced now is multi-tasking, I wouldn't get so stress if the things came one by one, i am so stress because the things come together and the stress i got is the total stress times the time stress. I get totally stressed out and I started to be sensitive and stressing more hard on myself.. All the things I need to relax and my mindset will get back to normal.

Life is really like a game. You have to continue level up isn't it? Reflect back, I am just a small coordinator during activity in the secondary school time, it had been a tough time for me and I complained about the decision they made and gossips about the leaders sometime(Sorry, gals...sincerely, sorry) .Okay,  now I am the leader, I have to decide everything and organise the meetings. I am reserved person and now I have to go to talk a lot to people who i not really familiar with. Is a new task for me, and I manage to do this, but not really well done. I am proud to say i've improve a lot, but most of them time, especially when i get sad & stressed, I only see the negative side of me and keep comparing myself with others. COMPARING IS ENDLESS.  This is one of a lesson i got today~

Well, really thanked all the friends who go along with me these time. No matter you are staying near with me, or staying far away from me.Feeling gratitude to have u guys, for supporting me, to cheer me up when i am down. I get emo on and off, but u all keep me positive charged when I am negative, Sincerely, thx~

Monday, July 4, 2011

Some thought abt BERSIH

The recently hottest topic in Malaysia: BERSIH

There is some link to read up if u don't have an idea what is BERSIH about

Well what i had observed in my college is: most of my fren dun have any idea about wat BERSIH is or they dun really have a clear picture, the only thing they know is: DON'T WEAR YELLOW SHIRTS RECENTLY

But who really get to noe WHY? Okay,  some of then noe bcoz tat is a walk going on the 9 of july in KL, and tat is nt good (they thought, or mb their parents told them so)

Okay, let's c another more link, which i truely agreed most of the point of view

I am very agree aboyt the 'typical chinese reaction'. Ya, I've seen many similar reaction in my colleagues, Most of them are not going to help u if the things do not benefit them, the more 'city' they are, the more selfish they are.

Of course, I am not saying that all city ppl are like this, but MAYBE, my luck, i've meet many kinds of these ppl and it really make miss my own kampung frens.

Ang another point of my view, Malaysia education are really spoiling the thinking of teenagers sometime. Most teenagers are not really intrested into what had happened in the politics of Malaysia. We don't really have the 'kebebasan utk bersuara' to discuss wat is happening, everyone is so scared of being jailed coz of SAYING SOMETHIG WRONG & WEARING YELLOW(recently) We are not dare to discuss and we are not dare to change.Some ppl i saw, they are good in critcing, but when come to take action, all ran.

Well, friends. we are Malaysian, we should do something to make it better, So, what u think about BERSIH?